Dreaming Into Being
Bluetech deep ambient album on Sounds True.
Sounds True
'Dreaming Into Being' is an exploration of expanded states of being. There is another world—both contained within our own and simultaneously surrounding us, like the germinating seed within a shell and the rarified atmosphere at higher altitudes. It is a place where the foundational structures of myth take shape, where the lovers, the dearly departed, the dream keepers, the sages and guides all reside, patiently waiting for us to discover them and share breath again. Like a temple containing gilded gates in every facade, there are many entries into this place of being, and for me the most potent is through the world of dream. In dreaming I am awake to my other selves, those old and lumbering giants that wear the faces of ancestors, genetic gods and goddesses, stoic sequoias, and unmovable mountains. They are all me, and all those radiant worlds and superhero sagas whisper my name on the great tree of dreaming as well.